Gallery Closure

- / Online - Zoom


Hosted online via zoom WITH DJ Mixed Materials!

Hamilton Artists Inc. would like to invite you to our 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM)!

The AGM is a great opportunity to learn about everything we've accomplished over the past year and hear about our 2021 plans and programming. A lot has changed over this past year and we have been working diligently to ensure we continue supporting the Hamilton arts community while keeping everyone safe. Join us virtually to meet our dedicated staff and board members, and share your feedback and suggestions! 

As a not-for-profit organization, the Inc. is run by a volunteer board of directors who are elected by our members during the AGM. All Inc. members in good standing will be eligible to vote. We have prepared a package to help you prepare for the AGM. It includes applications from individuals who wish to join the board, notes from last year's AGM (also known as the 'minutes') and an agenda for this year's meeting.

Click here to access the AGM package 

If you can't attend the meeting but would still like to vote, you may designate another member to vote for you. To do so, please complete the Proxy Vote Form from the first page of the AGM package and email it to


The meeting will be live captioned. Chat and non-verbal communication tools will be enabled in Zoom. For access-related inquiries, please email

about our host:

DJ Mixed Materials aka Donna Akrey is a maker of things, teacher of things and researcher of things. Her work reflects an interest in the urban environment, language and communication, and the power of the habitual on our dreams and realities.  She uses an interdisciplinary approach to articulate ideas to create large installations and sculptural objects, single channel video, video installation, performance and book works. She is a Hamilton resident, has been on the board of the HAI and is a long time and forever member.