Gallery Closure
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
Presenters: Marco D'Andrea, Thea Haines, Vanessa Maltese, Abedar Kamgari and Ryan Bruer
Since 2013, the Inc. has proudly presented FEAST Hamilton: an annual micro-funding event that brings people together with the aim of supporting local projects. At the event, artists, designers and groups are invited to present proposals for art- or design-based projects. Presentations are given in-person by the applicants to guests gathered over dinner. In exchange for dinner and a ballot, attendees donate $20 towards the evening's project grant, which are presented during dinner and dessert. The project with the most votes is given a grant from the profit raised directly from the ticket sales.
Hamilton Artists Inc. - 155 James St. N / 905.529.3355 /
Mixed Media - 154 James St. N
O's Clothes - 150 James St. N
White Elephant - 1032 King St. W. /or/ 133 James St. N.
Feast Hamilton would like to acknowledge its presenting partners: