Gallery Closure
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
Hamilton Artists Inc.'s 5th Annual Inc. Squared Fundraiser
Saturday, March 18, 2017
7:00 pm - LATE
Support your artist-run center by joining us for our annual Inc. Squared fundraiser! An evening of art, music, dancing, and good times with friends! Featuring original ART FOR SALE by our talented and generous members (all priced at $100), with all proceeds going towards Inc. programming. New this year, we'll be introducing a special RUSH HOUR - after 10:00 pm entry to the event is free, and remaining art works may be purchased for $50 while they last. Mark your calendars! We'll be announcing additional details about the event shortly, and tickets are now available! Details on how you can support the event are listed below.
Tickets available online and in person at the gallery
Would you like to support us even more than through just attending the party? Consider supporting your artist-run centre by creating and donating a work of art to the gallery. This is Hamilton Artists Inc.'s primary annual fundraising event, and all proceeds benefit upcoming programming and operations within the gallery. Check out the call for artists below.
Attend early to get first dibs on works created by our talented membership. All works are priced affordably at $100 and will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. Don’t miss out! This cocktail party style portion of the evening will include delectable complimentary hors-devours by Nellie James, signature cocktails and delicious Collective Arts Brews.
Tickets are priced as follows and are available online and in person at the gallery:
Underemployed/ Student: $10
General Admission: $20
Golden Ticket: $50 - Includes limited edition Inc. Squared artist multiple by David Trautrimas.
Rush Hour
After 10:00 pm, entry to the event is free and any remaining works that haven't yet sold will be available for $50.
Join us in celebrating our 40-year-plus history, while helping us fundraise towards a bright and sustainable future. We’d like to think that since our inception we’ve continued to be a pivotal centre for contemporary visual art in Hamilton and beyond. By attending and supporting us through this event, you will be helping us present challenging contemporary exhibitions, stimulate critical dialogue, and foster local artist initiatives for years to come.
Thank you in advance for your participation and support! We can't wait to celebrate with you!
Each participating artist will receive one FREE ticket to the event.
- The Inc. will supply a pre-cut ¼ inch plywood board with hanging hardware for those who require material (ready for pick-up at the gallery now!) OR, you are welcome to bring in your own work as long as it abides by the specifications below. If bringing your own, please make sure it is framed and/or prepared to hang/ be displayed.
- This is a small works fundraiser. As such works should be roughly 12”h x 12”w, with a maximum depth of 12” Please note that your work may be smaller than 12"x12"x12" (keep in mind the work will be priced at $100).
- Each artist is asked to submit ONE piece only.
- Finished works are to be dropped off during gallery hours between the dates of Wednesday March 15th and Thursday, March 16th along with a completed and signed submission form. If you are unable to deliver your work to the gallery on these dates, please contact gallery staff to make alternate arrangements.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Collective Arts Brewing, Dr. Disc, Nellie James and Winerack Ancaster.