Gallery Closure
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
Exhibition and Grant Proposal Workshop with Jon Lockyer
Hamilton Artists Inc. is pleased to present a series of Professional Development Workshops in partnership with The Hamilton Arts Council. Jon Lockyer, Director and Curator of Artspace in Peterborough, Ontario will lead a workshop on best practices in the development and submission of exhibition applications. In the workshop Lockyer will discuss what is needed to compose a strong application package, and will address specific questions and provide tips on how a grant should be written, highlighting things like storytelling, audience, history, and documentation. Whether you are an emerging artist looking for advice on getting started, or an established artist needing to refresh your skills, this workshop is for you.
This talk will cover:
Following the workshop there will be an opportunity for one-on-one feedback sessions with Lockyer and Caitlin Sutherland, Hamilton Artist Inc.’s Programming Director. This is your chance to ask specific questions and receive advice and feedback on in-progress applications - including your in process submissions to Hamilton Artists Inc.!
Jon Lockyer is a curator, educator, and writer from Toronto, Ontario. Lockyer’s interest as a curator focuses on issues of social and political engagement, with an aim to clear institutional spaces for historically marginalized voices. Lockyer received his BA in Canadian Studies from Trent University, and completed an MFA at OCAD University in Criticism and Curatorial Practice. He has worked previously at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts (Santa Fe, NM), the Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto, ON) and C Magazine. Lockyer currently lives in Peterborough, Ontario where he is the Director and Curator of Artspace.