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Bruce Elder


Black Box White Box Small Box No Box
Status of Media Arts Series: Sept. 29-Oct. 22

Bruce Elder: The Young Prince
Thursday, September 29 7 p.m.
Hamilton Public Library-Hamilton Room
55 York Blvd.

Bruce Elder will be present for a Q&A

Synopsis of “The Young Prince” Fifth film from the film cycle “The Book of Praise

125 minutes, 16 mm. film, 2007

“A beggar imagines himself sitting at the edge of a maelstrom, looking inward at a vortex, observing beings-demonic forms, ghosts, animals-first rising and then falling through the vortex: all of them, he realizes have the character they do because of his mental state.”* The film is about transformation and is more abstract than linear narrative. * quote from Bruce Elder

Bruce Elder is a Hamilton raised and educated filmmaker, writer, critic and teacher of film studies at Ryerson University. Elder received the 2007 Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts. The jury described him as “highly innovative,” “influential” and “acutely intelligent,” noting the enormous span of his practice and the demanding nature of his films.

curator: Jim Riley

info: Jim Riley (905-979-9583),,

The screening is a partnership between the Hamilton Artist Inc. and the Hamilton Public Library. The project is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.

Other Black Box White Box Small Box No Box Media Arts events in October

Oct. 1: Carl Brown: Memory Fade, 11 am (Hamilton Public Library, 55 York Blvd), Painting of Film workshop: 1-6 p.m., (The Print Studio, 173 James St. N)

Oct. 3: Inc. Shorts 7 p.m. (Hamilton Public Library-Hamilton Room, 55 York Blvd)

Oct. 21: John Porter screening/performance, 7 p.m. (126 James St. N.),

Oct. 22 Status of Media Arts Symposium, 1-5 p.m.(126 James St. N.)

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