Gallery Closure

Valerie Cousens, Lisa Hind and Louise Williams


Opening reception:  June 7, 7–9:30pm
Art crawl:  June 8, 7-11pm

Valerie Cousens was born in Fareham, England and moved to southern Ontario with her family as a child. She is an abstract painter, fashion re-designer, active volunteer, environmentalist and a Reiki practitioner. Her art continues to unfold as she grows. Cousens is a completely self-taught artist and her love of abstract painting stems from the belief that it is always open to interpretation by the viewer. She feels that exploring her options as her creative brain explodes gets more and more exciting. Cousens paints with putty knives using mixed media and acrylics on reclaimed board, canvas and other found materials. ‘Creation for creations sake’ suites her well as her inspiration comes from mother nature and the way all colors in nature compliment each other perfectly, it seems without effort.

I believe that everyone should be encouraged to follow their creativity, no matter what barriers they face.” – Valerie Cousens

The themes that Lisa Hind likes to explore are environmental issues, human rights, activism and political issues. On occasion, in her work, Hind also uses powerful statements by major historical figures to stir her imagination and others to action and thought. Influences and approaches that inform her work are older architecture, oriental sculpture, landscapes, portraiture and photography.

Always experimenting, the works in this exhibition are mixed-media abstractions, utilizing watercolour and pencil on canvas. In the future, Hind would really love to work with other artists and creative people in collaborative works. She would eventually like to create large sculptural art as well as explore videography.

Louise Williams is a mixed-media artist. She grew up in the beautiful North End of Hamilton. After living in Vancouver for some years, Williams returned to Hamilton, and is very proud and excited by the artistic movement that is transforming this city.

The mixed-media pieces in this show are created with pastels, charcoal, gouache, and some precious metals on Canson pastel paper. Create for creations sake—Williams is intrigued and inspired by the process of creation, whether it is a seed of nature, or a seed of thought. The idea must be nurtured for the creative process to continue forward. This is what humbles and inspires Williams and intuitively directs her to express the awe and beauty that she chooses to see and honour, with whatever creative tools are necessary.

I hope you enjoy the show…cheers, Louise