Gallery Closure

Karen Suk and Jarrod Hogeterp


Opening Reception: July 12, 2012  7-9:30pm
Art Crawl:  July 13, 2012  7-11pm

Karen Suk is a multi-media artist with a BA (Fine Art Major) from the University of Guelph. She lived in Vancouver, BC for 12 years and was a member of the Vancouver Life Drawing Society, where she spent two years as the gallery co-ordinator.  Karen moved to Hamilton in 2008 because of its vibrant, burgeoning art scene. She became a member of the Hamilton Artists Inc, and sat for two years on the board of directors. Karen has exhibited her work in BC, Nova Scotia and Ontario.

All the images in this show are of anthropomorphic tree trunks. I have a strong background in figurative work, which seemed to flow into a new view of trees as emotionally and narratively expressive beings. Though I am no proponent of representational accuracy, I like to point out that these trees in their positions exist in real life; it is an area where life demonstrates its playfulness and creativity.
- Karen Suk

 Jarrod Hogeterp, a Dundas Ontario artist, specializes in working with metal, stone and reclaimed timber.  He focuses on combining the natural world and the urban environment using recurring themes of birds and cityscapes.  His technique of sculpting is unique in that he uses layers of weld to form free flowing life-like reproductions of wildlife, and finishes with detail using an engraving process.  The result is a unique “cast” – like appearance.  His objective is to give warmth and life to a medium often perceived as cold and inanimate.  Honing his skills and creating new metalworking techniques has given him the ability to express movement and emotion.  His work has been used in the film industry and is featured in select galleries.