Gallery Closure
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
Kareem Abbas (born 1963) arrived in Canada in 2004. He is a graduate of the Baghdad University of Fine Arts (1988). He employs various painting techniques in oil and watercolours, and uses graphic design, abstraction, realism, and theoretical, practical, and art historical knowledge as a point of departure in his paintings. He has exhibited internationally, including Baghdad, Jordan, Egypt, U.A.E, Tunis, Qatar, USA, Indonesia, France, Denmark, Poland and Turkey. In Canada, he has exhibited in Montreal, Calgary, Mississauga and Hamilton in solo and group exhibitions. Abbas has been a member of the Immigrant Culture and Art Association, the Hamilton Arts Council, Iraq Federal Artists in Canada, and UNESCO, Paris, France.
Abdelhamid Mosbah came to Canada from Tunisia (North Africa) in December 2001. He is a graduate of the School of Art, Tunis, Tunisia, and studied drawing and painting at the School Universal, Paris France. He received a certificate in Art Education from York University. Before becoming a professional artist, he worked in the field of education in Tunisia, both as a director than as a teacher of visual art, and has created commissioned works throughout his artistic career. His body of work explores paintings of Mediterranean living, landscapes and he works with modern and abstracted imagery. Mosbah works in oil, acrylic, watercolor, and charcoal. He has participated in several international art exhibitions and festivals in the GTA and surrounding area. He is an active member of Hamilton Artists Inc.. and has been a member of CARFAC and Hamilton Arts and Pastel Artists Canada. He has also volunteered as an artist working in local schools and community centers with children and young people.
(Image by Abdelhamid Mosbah, Ozoudo. Morrocco. Oil on canvas)