Gallery Closure
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
RE-Create in partnership with the Urban Arts Initiative presents Project Photovoice “See My Voice”. ‘Project Photovoice’ has been designed and implemented by Kirby Wilkins, an art therapy student from The Toronto Art Therapy Institute. This Photovoice Project (See My Voice) encourages the youth of downtown Hamilton to “stand up for what they care about” by participating in a community art project. Participants were asked to generate photos of something or someone that they care about, and wanted to share with their community. They then pasted the photos on the James St N exterior wall of Hamilton Artists Inc.
This public exhibition is the result of their hard work. Re-Create outreach studio located at 126 James St N, will be open to the public for further viewing of this project during the art crawl of May 11, 2012.
RE-create is an open arts studio in downtown Hamilton, Ontario, where street-involved youth can begin to reconnect to themselves, others, and their community through the creative arts while gaining valuable life and work skills. From painting to poetry, performance art, photography and other multimedia projects, RE-create offers an opportunity for street-involved youth to try a variety of art forms under the guidance of local established artists and members of the wider arts community. RE-create works in partnership with the community, government, local area churches, schools, local business and individuals to facilitate social change, and is guided by a Steering Group of interested community members. RE-create is also an active participant in the Urban Arts Initiative, a collaborative project involving numerous arts and youth-serving organizations in downtown Hamilton seeking to provide more arts opportunities for art risk youth.