Gallery Closure
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
Hamilton Artists Inc. is pleased to announce it’s annual members exhibition, SWARM. A tradition at the Inc. since 1975, SWARM is our way of showcasing original artworks by our talented members to the greater community, representing the incredible richness and diversity of artistic practices in Hamilton. We would like to thank our members and friends for their dedicated support over the years, and for making Hamilton Artists Inc. your artist-run centre.
Want to kick off your holiday shopping with the gift of art? With over 75 participating artists, this is an excellent opportunity to find a unique gift, while supporting local artists (who receive 100% of the proceeds from their sales)!
Stephen Altena, Callie Archer, Sookie Bardwell, Gabriel Baribeau, Susan Barton-Tait, Laura Brandreth, Gerten Basom, Nancy Benoy, Birdie, Gillian Bochenek, Judi Burgess, Andrew Butkevicius, Raffaele Caterini, Shea Chang, David Clarke, Venessa Cress Lokos, Audrea DiJulio, Sonia Di Maio, Irina Dukule, Kristina Durka, Chuck Eelhart, Cornelius Heesters, Paul Elia, Emma Enright, Louise Gilmore, Reg Gilmore, David Hill, Natalie Hunter, Jars Hooch, Jarrod Hogeterp, Cornelius Heesters, Sebastian Morgyn James, Bhairavi Jathar Talpade, Steven Adrian Jeffery, Abedar Kamgari, Fiona Kinsella, Anabella Kinsella, Ciara Kinsella, Gabriel Koury, Janice Kovar, Fleur-Ange Lamothe, Elaine Lauzon, Paul Lisson, Karen Logan, Patricia Lynes, Christine Mack, Anna Maxwell, Ingrid Mayrhofer, Brenda McCafferty, Sally McKay, Andrew McPhail, Meaghan McLaughlin, Sonali Menezes, Sean Merrill, Susan Pearson, Peter Pona, Paul Ropel-Morski, Vick Naresh, Christian Ngabo, Allison Niccols, Alexander Notarangelo, Mariel Rutherford, Maria H. Sarkany, Breanna Shanahan, Sal Shivji, Anne Smythe, Sahra Soudi, Sarah Sproule, Denise Stewart, Dianne Twombly, Murray Van Halem, A. W. Wehrens, Jacqueline Nicole Wightman, Wendy Wilson, Nikola Wojewoda, Rachelle Wunderink, Laura Zajacz, Grazyna Ziolkowski