Gallery Closure



Opening Reception November 21, 7:00- 9:30pm
Closing Reception December 21, 1:00-3:00pm


Featuring: Amber Aasman, Margaret Adriotis, Donna Akrey, Michael Allgoewer, Ali Almimar, Mina Ao, Callie Archer, Abena Asomanina, Gerten Basom, Ellis Bateson, Sarah Beattie, Nancy Benoy, Peter Bogaczewicz, Jason Brown, Douglas Brown, Tara Bursey, Jack Butler, Melissa Charles, Christine Cholowski, Patrick Conway, Barry Coombs, Catharine Corbacio, Lesley Cordero, Valerie Cousens, Scott Cunningham, Erla Daly, Diane Daniels, Tzvia Devor, Trudy Deys, Les Ducak, Amanda Dudnik, Robert Ezergailis, Suzan Fawcett, Herbert Fodor, Leslie Furness, Christopher Gallo, Reg Gilmore, Anne Marie Goetz, Tanja Groos, Peter Gunn, Maria H. Sarkany Sca, John Haney, Christopher Healey, Ralph Heather, Jane Hill, Jarrod Hogeterp, Em Johnson, Linda Jouce-Ott, Tisha Joy, Morgan Kamocki Allaby, Rosario Kerekes, Fiona Kinsella, Ciara Kinsella, Ana Kinsella, Susan Kordalewski, Mary Kroetsch, Linda Kulchycki, Cameron Kuntz, M. Fleur-Ange Lamothe, David Lattanzi, Paul Lattanzi, Richard Laurin, Sheila Van Leusden, Paul Lisson, Claudette Losier, Alex Lovell, Steve MacGregor, Deb Mack, P. Mansaram, Nareem Mansour, Michelle Manzoni, Carly McAskill, Joanne McCue, Nancy Anne McPhee, Monika Minnis, Chris Motherwell, Megan Rae Mulholland, Colin Edward Murray, Michael Nisenson, Aleda O’Connor, Omar Odeh Ghani, Anthony Panebianco, Maureen Paxton, Susan Pearson, Gloria Pizio, Carol Priamo, Coleen Pryce, Jim Riley, Sam Robinson, Susan Ann Robinson, Samantha Roketta, Kearon Roy Taylor, Joseph Sawicki, Simone Sciascetti, Bert Sehilthuis, Jan Sibiga, Harold Sikkema, Jennifer Smith, Caitlin Sutherland, Michelle Teitsma, Svava Thordis Juliusson, Josh Tiessen, Michelle Trkulja, Robin Tziporah Zilberg, Xenia Vakova, Jimmy Vegas, Heather Vollans, Majid Washem, W. Wehrens, Waltraut Weingartner, Anita Weitzman, Roger Wood, Allan Wright, Orpana the Younger, Adriana deRuyter

This years Annual Members Show, SWARM implies the combined industrious strength of many persons or things; as a verb, to swarm is to move towards – to approach, though not necessarily resolve – a common purpose as a group that is constantly in motion rather than standing still. With over 100 pieces from our membership, SWARM is a salon style exhibition of sculpture, video, painting, print, drawing, collage, and photography.

Hamilton Artists Inc. would like to thank our generous SWARM exhibition sponsors La Cantina and Luscious D’s.

La Cantina Ristorante Italiano traditional Italian dishes brought down through the generations.  Freshly made pasta creations, wood-burning oven pizzas served in an old world atmosphere, 905 521-8989

Luscious D’s desserts are all natural, locally sourced and hand crafted chemical free artisan desserts, 905-531-2922,