Gallery Closure

Sahra Soudi

- / James Wall Banner

WE NEED EACH OTHER NOW, WE NEEDED EACH OTHER YESTERDAY is an ode to interdependence and a reminder that sometimes the only way out is with each other. With fascism on the rise and with suffocating austerity measures in place, recognizing the very real political power that our relationships have is going to be crucial in our struggle for justice. Whether that’s helping a friend who’s short on rent, feeding your neighbour who can’t afford their groceries, or more broadly not relying on state interventions that inevitably end up causing more harm than good—the reciprocal nature of interdependence offers us powerful antidote for the alienation that capitalism so often breeds. When we prioritize caring for each other not only by way of improving our certain basic material conditions but also emotionally and spiritually, we directly challenge the myth of independence. We prove that we do actually need each other and that our collective survival is bound together. 

Sahra Soudi is a multidisciplinary artist, curator, educator, and community organizer based in Hamilton, Ontario. They combine their activism and artistic practice to envision better and more just futures for all. Soudi advocates for the inclusion and participation of Black, Indigenous, disabled, and racialized communities in a range of settings, from artist-run centres, and DIY venues, to national galleries. Soudi is an emerging artist and curator, passionate about cross-movement solidarity and disability justice. They honour this framework by empowering and mobilizing their communities to push for radical change.