Gallery Closure

Hamilton Artists Inc. stands in support of the Haudenosaunee Land Defenders from the Six Nations Reserve who have been peacefully defending their territory at 1492 Land Back Lane. In solidarity, we will be matching community donations to their legal fund up to a maximum of $1000. Donations to their legal defense fund can be made through the go-fund-me campaign. Donations for the camp and materials fund can be sent by direct e-transfer to Please send us a quick note and/or screenshot informing us of your donation to so we can match it.

Hamilton is directly adjacent to the Haldimand treaty territory. The Haldimand Proclamation of 1784 promised the Haudenosaunee six miles of land on each side of the Grand River from its mouth at Lake Erie to its source. Today, the Haudenosaunee (also known as the Six Nations of the Grand River) have access to less than 5% of what was originally promised to them.

For additional resources and information, please visit:

1492 Land Back Lane Facebook Group

1492 Land Back Lane Twitter

Email template

Interview with Land Defenders at 1492 Land Back Lane

Statement to the community by the Land Defenders

Statement From Concerned Haudenosaunee Women Regarding Injunctions At 1492 Land Back Lane