Gallery Closure

Contemporary Moving Image Festival

Established in 1999, Photophobia was Hamilton’s first film and video festival dedicated to the development of experimental time-based media at a time when there were no such platforms in the Hamilton community. Not confined by restrictions or themes, Photophobia is a free, two-part screening series presented under the cover of night in the Irving Zucker Sculpture Garden at the Art Gallery of Hamilton and the ArcelorMittal Dofasco Courtyard at Hamilton Artists Inc.

Call for Submissions: Deadline: June 30, 2018
Notification can be expected in July. Screenings to be held in August.

Submission Guidelines:
– Submissions must be short format (15 minutes or less)
– Work must be no more than 3 years old (2014)
– All submissions must be digital Vimeo or Youtube links (private/password protected is acceptable and encouraged). Other formats will not be considered. Do not send the jury files using Wetransfer or any other transfer platform that has a time limit for hosting the files. Do not use dropbox or other cloud platforms.
– No more than one submission per artist please.
– Films and videos should be independent projects, meaning that you, the artist, retain complete creative and artistic control of the project.
Please include in your submission:
– Artist Bio (75 words max)
– Artist CV (3 pages max)
– Short description of your submission (150 words max)
– Entry Information: Title; year completed; name; address; phone; email; role in production; format; length.
Email Submissions to:
Selections Committee, Photophobia

* Note: Submissions (excluding video files) should be merged into a single pdf. Hard copy submissions will not be considered. Due to the high volume of applications, only those selected for the festival will be notified.

About Photophobia:
Photophobia is the 12th annual festival of short-format contemporary media, film, video and moving image hosted in partnership between the Art Gallery of Hamilton and Hamilton Artists Inc. Established in 1999, Photophobia was Hamilton’s first film and video festival dedicated to the development of experimental time-based media at a time when there were no such platforms in the Hamilton community. The Art Gallery of Hamilton and Hamilton Artists Inc. are once again partnering to showcase contemporary practitioners who test the boundaries of the medium in 2018. Not confined by restrictions or themes, Photophobia is a free festival series presented under the cover of night in the Irving Zucker Sculpture Garden at the Art Gallery of Hamilton and the ArcelorMittal Dofasco Courtyard at Hamilton Artists Inc.