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The Special Events and Merchandising Committee presents Hamilton Artists Inc.'s 2nd annual

Inc. Squared Fundraiser

Saturday, April 5th, 2014


We are asking our members to participate by creating and donating a work of art and/or a chotskie
for auction with all proceeds going towards Inc. programming.

Beginning tonight (during February's Art Crawl) 12" x 12" boards are available for pick up at the gallery.

~ Dimensions must equal 12”h x 12”w, with a maximum depth of 12”
(pieces that do not comply with dimension restrictions will not be accepted)
~ Each artist is permitted to submit ONE piece only

The Inc. will supply pre-cut ¼ inch plywood for those who require material (ready for pick-up beginning Friday February 14th).

Finished works are to be dropped off during gallery hours between the dates of Wednesday March 26th and Saturday March 29th along with a completed and signed INC SQUARED SUBMISSION FORM.

The opening night fundraising event will take place on Saturday April 5th from 7-11pm

Tickets are FREE to participating artists! (Additional tickets will be available online and at the door for $7 each)
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A silent auction of artists' objects to run in conjunction with Inc. Squared

Tchotchke (/ˈtʃɒtʃkə/ CHOCH-ka)[ is a small bauble or miscellaneous item. Depending on context, the term has a connotation of worthlessness or disposability as well as tackiness, and has long been used by Jewish Americans and in the regional speech of New York City and elsewhere. –Wikipedia

Well, perhaps that's a bit harsh! Artists love to accumulate objects of interest. Call them trinkets, talismans, treasures, ephemera, or what you will. They may be insignificant, they may be of the utmost importance, but there's usually a reason they found their spot on the shelf. If you are an artist and have collected an object that you find interesting, obscure, inspirational, scandalous, or absurd, perhaps you'd like to share it with the world, or at least another person. Hamilton Artists Inc. is accepting donations of your chotskies! These objects will be lovingly displayed and sold by silent auction at our Inc. Squared event, to raise funds for Inc. programming. *Please bring your object and submission form to the gallery along with (or in place of) your foot-by-foot piece

Thank you in advance for your participation and support!


The Special Events and Merchandising Committee