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Financials for Artists - How to Navigate the Tax System Workshop
March 14, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Tax season is right around the corner! Are you a creative professional, artist or freelancer with questions about filing your taxes? We are excited to host a free tax workshop with tax advisor Sunny Widerman.

We will cover the following topics:

  • Tips to organize yourself and your record keeping throughout the year.
  • How Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) and Goods and Services Tax (GST) impact you.
  • What can be claimed as a business expense.
  • How to use registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to save for the future.

About the Facilitator:

Sunny Widerman has been a tax preparer and advisor since 2002, with a growing clientele of freelancers, business owners and professionals. Through her firm Personal Tax Advisors, Sunny specializes in helping clients take control of their tax planning by explaining the tax issues that affect them. She focuses on a gentle, non-threatening approach to financial issues and clear, jargon-free language.

Hamilton Artists Inc. gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and Incite Foundation for the Arts for this program.