Gallery Closure
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
The gallery will be closed Saturday March 8 - Thursday April 3. Join us Friday April 4, 7-9pm for our spring opening receptions.
Dear Community Members,
In an effort to help contain the spread of COVID-19, The Inc. will be temporarily closed until further notice. This decision is due to continued developments and recommendations from our public health officials. We are watching the news closely and following the lead of many other institutions with the interest of everyone's health and safety as a top priority.
In order to protect the health and well-being of our staff, artists and community at large, Hamilton Artists Inc. has decided to postpone all programming activities and our spring exhibitions. We will continue to share updates about The Inc.'s programming as they develop through our website and social media.
The Inc. is promoting social-distancing by having our staff work remotely. During this time, we can best be reached via email.
We understand that this may be a difficult time for many people. Together, by sharing information, practicing social-distancing and actively washing our hands, we can make a collective difference.
For access to more information and resources about novel coronavirus, please visit the online links listed below.
Take care and stay safe,
- Hamilton Artists Inc.
Information and Resources about COVID-19:
For current information about COVID-19 in Canada, visit Health Canada’s Coronavirus disease outbreak update page.
For information about COVID-19 around the world, visit the World Health Organization’s Coronavirus disease outbreak page.
COVID-19 Emergency Resources For Marginalized Artists & Communities