Gallery Closure

Almost six months later and the Inc's new facility is still making headlines in our community and the region - this time on the front page of The Hamilton Spectator.

In a story by Danielle Wong, our new space is highlighted in the historical context of our organization as a part of Hamilton's cultural fabric. Also underlined is our prominence in the James Street North neighbourhood, Hamilton's art district, with reactions qouted from some of our community neighbours.

Programming Director Irene Loughlin is interviewed as well as Chris Healey, a member of the Board of Directors.

The article mentions the support from The City of Hamilton, as well as Heritage Canada and the Ontario Trillium Foundation - this is, of course, just the tip of the iceberg of our list of partners in the new facility. This project would not have happened without the assistance of the Hamilton Community Foundation, Carl and Kate Turkstra, ArcelorMittal Dofasco, Alexanian Flooring, the Canada Council and the Ontario Arts Council.

Thank you! The arts in Hamilton will continue making news for generations because of the involvement of these supporters, our members and volunteers and especially the artists involved.