Gallery Closure

Dear Community Members,

In recent news about Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hamilton Artists Inc. would like to assure its visitors that we are taking a proactive approach to reduce the risk of exposure. Measures include providing hand sanitizer on site at our facilities, and increased cleaning of commonly touched surfaces. Should there be any disruptions to our regularly scheduled programming in the weeks to come, we will be sure to notify our community through our website and social media outlets.

As our organization and community takes precautions to stay healthy, Hamilton Artists Inc. wants to acknowledge the significant rise in harassment and xenophobia that is occurring in our city and elsewhere. Abusive words and expressions, harmful jokes, intimidating behavior and violent acts surrounding disease and illness are rooted in a long history of racism and oppression against people of colour, especially those of Asian descent. As a public-facing organization dedicated to dismantling oppression and racism in our community, we stand strong in rejecting these hateful and violent acts. We are aware that the spread of infection and harmful diseases can affect anyone regardless of their race and/or ethnicity. We encourage people to further read up on how to best keep themselves and their families healthy by visiting some of the online information resources listed below.

Information Sources about COVID-19

For current information about COVID-19 in Canada, visit Health Canada’s Coronavirus disease outbreak update page.

For information about COVID-19 around the world, visit the World Health Organization’s Coronavirus disease outbreak page.

Multilingual Information from the Government of Ontario 

The Ministry of Health has developed an information sheet about the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) to inform Ontarians about the virus, how they can protect themselves and what to do if they think they have contracted the 2019 novel coronavirus. The information sheet is available in multiple languages.