Gallery Closure

swarmSWARM: Annual Members Exhibition
November 26, 2016  – January 14, 2017

Drop OffWednesday, November 16th – Saturday, November 19th, 2016 during regular gallery hours. (Wed – Sat 12:00 – 5:00 pm / Fri 12:00 – 6:00 pm) Please note that any works submitted after these dates cannot be accepted.

Opening Reception: November 26th, 7:30 -11:00 pm

Hamilton ArtistsInc. is pleased to invite you, our members, to participate in the annual SWARM Members Exhibition! Open to the Inc.’s members, this exhibition showcases your original work to the city, representing the richness and diversity of artistic practices in Hamilton. In order to submit, all you need to do is fill out our submission form, attached below, and bring your work to the gallery during the designated drop off dates and times.

Please join us for the opening reception Saturday, November 26th, to celebrate the work of your fellow artist members.

In order to submit, your membership must be up to date. If your membership has expired, you can renew it online or visit us in person at the gallery during our operating hours (including during the drop-off times). Each artist may display one piece of work in the exhibition. Therefore, please be considerate of your fellow artists when choosing the size of the work you are submitting. In addition, the piece must be framed and/or ready to hang when dropped off at the gallery.

Please fill out the application form below and bring it with you to the gallery during the drop off dates. If you would like to volunteer during the installation, please e-mail


Drop OffWednesday, November 16th – Saturday, November 19th, 2016 during regular gallery hours. (Wed – Sat 12:00 – 5:00 pm / Fri 12:00 – 6:00 pm) Please note that any works submitted after these dates cannot be accepted.

InstallWednesday, November 23rd – Friday, November 25th during regular gallery hours.

The opening reception will be held on November 26th from 7:30PM – 11:00PM.

The pick up party will be held on January 14th, 2017 from 12:00PM – 5:00PM

Thank you!


Annual General Meeting
Saturday, November 26, 6:00 - 7:30 pm

It’s that time of year where we are asking our members in good standing to join us for our 2016 Annual General Meeting. The event will happen Saturday, November 26, 2016 at 6:00pm here at Hamilton Artists Inc. We encourage you to attend and meet with the Board of Directors and Staff.  Get the latest updates on programming events, gallery exhibits, workshops, and community initiatives. Learn about the different committees, volunteer and networking opportunities at the Centre. Everyone is welcome to attend and it’s a great chance to meet and connect with your fellow members. It is our sincere hope you will join us. Refreshments will follow as the AGM will lead directly into the SWARM opening reception and festivities.

If for some reason you are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting, you may vote via proxy, please contact the gallery at to request a Proxy-vote form.

See you soon!