Gallery Closure


In Support of Encampment Residents and Black Housing Advocates

The board and staff at Hamilton Artists Inc. strongly condemn the recent brutal actions of the Hamilton Police Service and the criminalization of young Black leaders who are supporting and advocating for our unhoused neighbours. Hamilton Police’s blatant violence against peaceful protestors is anti-Black and anti-poor. It is indicative of the City’s unwillingness to meaningfully address Hamilton’s deepening housing crisis...

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Artwork Documentation Appointments

Image: Brendan Hendry and Jessy Kitchen, the ol' ball and chain , 2021. From the exhibition the space in which we have dissolved . Artwork Documentation Appointments February 15-26, 2022 Need to document artworks, but don’t have the space? Hamilton Artists Inc. is making its James Gallery available as a free bookable space for artwork documentation. Artists working in any...

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Our Giving Campaign 2021 Begins Now!

Dear Friend of the Inc., In August of this year, Hamilton Artists Inc. opened its doors to the public for the first time since March 2020. Having artworks and visitors in the space again has made a world of difference in our sense of mission and hope for the future, but we have been no less busy with the physical...

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Meet Gallery Assistant Brianna Seferiades

Hamilton Artists Inc. is pleased to welcome Brianna Seferiades, our new Gallery Assistant! Read on to learn more about Brianna. Hello! My name is Brianna Seferiades (she/her) and I am a multidisciplinary artist based in Hamilton, ON. I studied Art History and Theatre at McMaster University and completed my studies in 2019 with BA degrees from both programs. Theatrical design...

Read more about Meet Gallery Assistant Brianna Seferiades

Reopening Policies and New Hours

As part of the first phase of our reopening plan, the Hamilton Artists Inc. has created the following policies for visitors. Please take note of all of our policies when you visit us. Policy Please delay your visit if you are not feeling well. We will see you when you feel better! Maximum 6 visitors at any given time inside...

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Retracing/Forgetting: Open Studio with Bhavika Sharma

Bhavika Sharma, An Endless Cycle of Retracing and Forgetting , 2021. Polyvinyl alcohol, thread, and dyed fabric. Retracing/Forgetting : Open Studio with Bhavika Sharma August 18, 2021 from 7:00-8:30pm ET over Zoom Since November 2020, the Inc. has had the pleasure of hosting multidisciplinary artist, Bhavika Sharma, as our artist-in-residence and gallery assistant. As their residency draws to a close...

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Meet John Hill and Derek Jenkins, our new Public Programs Coordinator and Executive Director

Hamilton Artists Inc. is thrilled to welcome John Hill as Public Programs Coordinator and Derek Jenkins as Executive Director! As Public Programs Coordinator , John Hill will be overseeing online communications, organizing public programs such as the professional development workshop series and outdoor screening series, and working closely with members and volunteers. "I'm incredibly excited to get to work bringing...

Read more about Meet John Hill and Derek Jenkins, our new Public Programs Coordinator and Executive Director

Meet Indigenous Curatorial Resident Alex Jacobs-Blum

Alex Jacobs-Blum, The land we are and have always been //é:yohs (when you are healing) , 2020. Digital photograph. Introducing Alex Jacobs-Blum, Indigenous Curatorial Resident Hamilton Artists Inc. (the Inc.) is thrilled to welcome Alex Jacobs-Blum as its inaugural Indigenous Curatorial Resident. Alex was selected from many talented and inspiring applicants by jurors Vanessa Dion Fletcher, Sahra Soudi, and...

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Hamilton Artists Inc. Announces Staffing Changes

April 1, 2021 For Immediate Release: Hamilton Artists Inc. Announces Staffing Changes Hamilton Artists Inc. congratulates outgoing Executive Director, Julie Dring on her new role with the University of Waterloo. Julie’s tireless efforts over her two and a half years in the role have resulted in significant organizational growth and financial sustainability. She helped develop equity and anti-oppression practices, established...

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Incoming! A project for newcomer, immigrant and refugee artists

Click below to read in different languages: Arabic | Cantonese | Punjabi | Spanish | Farsi | French | Croatian | Serbian Hamilton Artists Inc. is pleased to present Incoming! a project addressing the needs of newcomer, immigrant, and refugee artists. Incoming! includes workshops, events, and an art exhibition supporting visual artists who want to establish themselves in the Hamilton...

Read more about Incoming! A project for newcomer, immigrant and refugee artists