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"super special" zine publication


Yan Wen Chang’s public billboard same problem my father had and what he dreamed was on display at Hamilton Artists’ Inc. from May 2022 to May 2023. During its closing months, Philip Leonard Ocampo was invited to write a response to her billboard. Ocampo is a curator, writer, and Chang’s closest friend. Both Chang and Ocampo are artists working with the language of painting to document their lived experiences of navigating their identities in North America.  His essay for the billboard Find me in the front passenger seat was published in print on Sept 28, 2023, for HAI.

From an interest in furthering their dialogue, Chang and Ocampo began to exchange visuals they created throughout the summer of 2023. Mapping a period of their lives relative to astronomical cycles, super special charts a series of works on paper exchanged between the Summer Solstice (June 21) through till the Autumn Equinox (Sept 23). As perimeters set by the two artists, the only piece of information they would respond to was the visual itself — no titles, texts, didactics of the visuals would be given to aid the understanding of the exchanged work. They would use only a stark palette of black, white and grey. 
The final publication, super special, is a collection of the ten visuals exchanged between the Chang and Ocampo; emblematic of the patience, endurance, and joy present amidst creating in a time of personal hardship, as well as a testament to a devoted, long-standing friendship.

There are 30 editions available, signed by both artists, and can be purchased through Hamilton Artists’ Inc. at $30 each. All proceeds from the publication go towards Hamilton’s Encampment Support Network. Chang and Ocampo thank Sanaa Humayun, Hamilton Artists’ Inc. and Jamie Fung from Cream Soda for their support in creating and producing super special.