
- / The Inc.

Hamilton Artists Inc. is excited to announce its annual members exhibition, SWARM. A tradition at the Inc. since 1975, SWARM is our way of showcasing original artworks by our talented members to the greater community, representing the incredible richness and diversity of artistic practices in Hamilton. We would like to thank our members and friends for their dedicated support over the years, and for making Hamilton Artists Inc. your artist-run centre.

Want to kick off your holiday shopping with the gift of art? With over 80 participating artists, this is an excellent opportunity to find a unique gift, while supporting local artists (who receive 100% of the proceeds from their sales)!

Join us for the opening reception on Friday, December 6th from 7-9pm!


Exhibiting Artists:

Mariel Paglia, Christina Cao, Susan Pearson, Susan Barton-Taft, Adam Albini, Wendy Wilson, R Caterini, Nikola Wojewoda, Karen Klucowicz, Sal Shivji, Maria H. Sarkany SCA, Steacy Easton, Rachelle Wunderink, Milena Roglic, Kamaldeep Kaur, Taruna Singh, Andrew McPhail, Justine Eva Smith, Kento Cady, Okoro Soromo (SeSe), Callie Archer, Roy Haddad, Jarrod Hogeterp, Raul Palacios Gamez, Matt Dampieu, Kevin Mutch, Kelly Woodward + Maya Woodward, Laura Zajacz, Bethany Kenyon, Marsha Newby, Em Johnson, Christina De Melo, Vanessa Cress Lokos, Laura Heaney, Judi Burgess, Paul Ropel-Morski, Anastasia Petrovic, Billy Bee, Stephen Altena, Meaghan McLaughlin, Marian Arvai, Peter Pona, Olivia Brouwer, Nancy Benoy, Claire Dam, Cheryl Hoffman, Corine Van Hoeve, Cornelia Peckhart, Thea Haines, Jess Mitchell, Barin Osho, Ravinder Ruprai, Calvin Prowse, Heather Vida-Moore, Lorraine Postma, Chris Erskine, Andrea DiJulio, Elaine Lauzon, Gerten Basom, Ingrid Mayrhofer, Jars Hooch, Slavica Panic, Kristina Hogan, Grazyna Ziolkowski, Jay Sharples, Dennis Montford, Prosser Davis, Jeffrey Van Leeuwen, Emma Goodale, Abedar Kamgari, Birdie Gerhl, Jacqui Oakley, Jamie Lawson, Kristina Durka, Paige Paton, Amy Su, Gaesook Yang, Sohyun Kim, Mary Porter, Cornelius Heesters, Denise Stewart, Sami McKay, Stephanie Vegh, Tina Yang, David Clarke, Dianne Twombly, Mo (Montana Mellet), Brody Campbell, Albany Sutherland, Sanaa Humayun, Jordan Kasza, Sonali Menezes, Derek Jenkins 


This year's SWARM logo was designed by Arturo Jimenez. 


SWARM 2024 Opening Reception

- / The Inc.


SWARM 2024 Opening Reception

- / The Inc.