
Meet John Hill and Derek Jenkins, our new Public Programs Coordinator and Executive Director

Hamilton Artists Inc. is thrilled to welcome John Hill as Public Programs Coordinator and Derek Jenkins as Executive Director! As Public Programs Coordinator , John Hill will be overseeing online communications, organizing public programs such as the professional development workshop series and outdoor screening series, and working closely with members and volunteers. "I'm incredibly excited to get to work bringing...

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Meet Indigenous Curatorial Resident Alex Jacobs-Blum

Alex Jacobs-Blum, The land we are and have always been //é:yohs (when you are healing) , 2020. Digital photograph. Introducing Alex Jacobs-Blum, Indigenous Curatorial Resident Hamilton Artists Inc. (the Inc.) is thrilled to welcome Alex Jacobs-Blum as its inaugural Indigenous Curatorial Resident. Alex was selected from many talented and inspiring applicants by jurors Vanessa Dion Fletcher, Sahra Soudi, and...

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Hamilton Artists Inc. Announces Staffing Changes

April 1, 2021 For Immediate Release: Hamilton Artists Inc. Announces Staffing Changes Hamilton Artists Inc. congratulates outgoing Executive Director, Julie Dring on her new role with the University of Waterloo. Julie’s tireless efforts over her two and a half years in the role have resulted in significant organizational growth and financial sustainability. She helped develop equity and anti-oppression practices, established...

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Incoming! A project for newcomer, immigrant and refugee artists

Click below to read in different languages: Arabic | Cantonese | Punjabi | Spanish | Farsi | French | Croatian | Serbian Hamilton Artists Inc. is pleased to present Incoming! a project addressing the needs of newcomer, immigrant, and refugee artists. Incoming! includes workshops, events, and an art exhibition supporting visual artists who want to establish themselves in the Hamilton...

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Meet Artist in Residence / Gallery Assistant Bhavika Sharma

Hamilton Artists Inc. is pleased to welcome Bhavika Sharma, our new Artist in Residence / Gallery Assistant! Read on to learn more about Bhavika. Hi, my name is Bhavika Sharma and I am a multidisciplinary artist based in Toronto. I have a BA in Architecture and Visual Studies from the University of Toronto. Informed by my specialization in urbanism, my...

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Annual Members' Exhibition and COVID-19 Updates

Dear Inc. members, Every year at this time, we invite you to bring an artwork to the gallery to be included in our annual members’ exhibition, SWARM . It is truly one of the highlights of the year to get to connect with our members, see your new works, and fill the gallery with artworks of all sizes, styles, and...

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Calling all Inc. members! Submit your work to be featured in our windows!

Window Activations Deadline: November 28, 2020 This winter, we will be showcasing artwork by Inc. members in our street-facing windows. We always welcome new and returning members , who will then be eligible to participate. Similar to our annual members' exhibition SWARM , submissions will not be juried but only one artwork from each artist will be accepted. Depending on...

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Meet Gallery Assistant Jessica Hannigan

Hamilton Artists Inc. is pleased to welcome Jessica Hannigan, our new Gallery Assistant! Read on to learn more about Jessica. Hi! I’m Jessica, and I’ll be The Inc.’s new gallery assistant for this fall. This is really a dream position for me right now since I’m very new to Hamilton, having just moved here this October. Working with The Inc...

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1492 Land Back Lane Fund Matching Initiative

Hamilton Artists Inc. stands in support of the Haudenosaunee Land Defenders from the Six Nations Reserve who have been peacefully defending their territory at 1492 Land Back Lane. In solidarity, we will be matching community donations to their legal fund up to a maximum of $1000. Donations to their legal defense fund can be made through the go-fund-me campaign...

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Incoming! A Pandemic Colouring Book Translations

Click below to read in different languages: Arabic | Chinese | Croatian/Bosnian | Farsi | French | German | Punjabi | Serbian | Spanish Free colouring books available for all ages! Drawings made by local artists. This initiative is part of the Incoming! project for refugee, newcomer, and immigrant artists organized by The Inc.’s New Committee. Email us your address...

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Programming Committee Call for Applicants

Apply to Join the Programming Committee The programming committee works alongside the Programming Director to guide Hamilton Artists Inc.’s exhibitions and public programming vision. We support Inc. members and the local community, as well as respond to and engage with larger contemporary art discourses regionally and nationally. We lead and participate in juries and selections processes, facilitate exhibitions, develop policy...

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Audience Survey

Dear members, artists and community at large, As we navigate the circumstances imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are exploring new ways of adapting and offering our programs. We are seeking your input to help us determine where your interests lie, what tools and technologies you have access to, and how we might offer our programs to reach as many...

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A Letter from the Directors Re: COVID-19 Closure

Re: Hamilton Artists Inc.'s Covid-19 Closure June 2020 Dear Members and Hamilton Arts Community, It has been over three months since Hamilton Artists Inc. closed its doors due to covid-19. We would like to take a moment to remind our membership, artists and community at large that we are still here and committed to serving artists and our communities. We...

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Watch Nahed Mansour in Conversation with Swapnaa Tamhane Video Documentation

This video is documentation of an online conversation between Nahed Mansour and artist and curator, Swapnaa Tamhane which took place on Instagram live on April 29, 2020. Mansour and Tamhane discussed Mansour’s recent exhibition at Hamilton Artists Inc., Little Egypt Doesn't Dance Here Anymore , and further expanded on the themes explored in Tamhane’s essay, The Many Appearances of Little...

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Hamilton Artists Inc. Stands Against Anti-Black Racism and Police Brutality

Dear Inc. community, We are joining with so many others in calling for justice for Regis Korchinski-Paquet, D’Andre Campbell, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Jason Collins, Eishia Husdon, Stewart Kevin Andrews, Ahmaud Arbery and the many other Black and Indigenous people who have died at the hands of police. Many Canadians think racism and police brutality are only American problems, we...

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Thank You to Outgoing Board Member, Sally McKay!

We would like to recognize Sally McKay, who recently resigned from our Board of Directors after a dedicated tenure as Co-Chair of the board and representative for the NEW Committee. Sally’s remarkable commitment and insight will leave a lasting impact on our organization! In all things, she has highlighted the importance of collaboration, inclusion, and anti-oppression. Sally has been instrumental...

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Meet Julia Huynh, Project Archivist

Hamilton Artists Inc. was lucky enough to work with Julia Huynh, our Project Archivist over the last six months. Read on to learn more about Julia's experience and her amazing work in our archives! Working with the Hamilton Artists Inc.’s archive was a great way to intimately learn about Hamilton’s unique local art history. I was genuinely surprised to learn...

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Hamilton Artists Inc. COVID-19 Closure Notice

Dear Community Members, In an effort to help contain the spread of COVID-19, The Inc. will be temporarily closed until further notice. This decision is due to continued developments and recommendations from our public health officials. We are watching the news closely and following the lead of many other institutions with the interest of everyone's health and safety as a...

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Public Health and Safety Notice, COVID-19

Dear Community Members, In recent news about Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hamilton Artists Inc. would like to assure its visitors that we are taking a proactive approach to reduce the risk of exposure. Measures include providing hand sanitizer on site at our facilities, and increased cleaning of commonly touched surfaces. Should there be any disruptions to our regularly scheduled programming in...

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Financials for Artists - How to Navigate the Tax System Workshop

Financials for Artists - How to Navigate the Tax System Workshop March 14, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Tax season is right around the corner! Are you a creative professional, artist or freelancer with questions about filing your taxes? We are excited to host a free tax workshop with tax advisor Sunny Widerman. We will cover the following topics: Tips...

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Wet’suwet’en Solidarity: Invasion Film Screening and Discussion

Invasion Film Screening and Discussion Wednesday, March 4, 2020 from 7:00-9:00 pm The Wet’suwet’en are calling for solidarity actions from Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities who uphold Indigenous sovereignty and recognize the urgency of stopping resource extraction projects that threaten the lives of future generations. Hamilton Artists Inc. has a moral obligation to support the rights and sovereignty of the Wet’suwet’en...

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For Immediate Release: The Inc. Stands in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Nation

February 22, 2020 For Immediate Release: Statement of Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Nation Hamilton Artists Inc. recognizes that it exists on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishnaabeg. This territory is covered by Treaty 3, the Between the Lakes Purchase of 1792, which covers the territory between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. This territory is covered by the Dish with...

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INC.spots: Ignition Edition

INC.spots: Ignition Edition Saturday, February 29 from 2:00-4:00 pm INC.spots is an artist talk event featuring local artists and Inc. members. It’s an opportunity for artists and community members to meet, discuss art and exchange ideas. Inspired by the Pecha Kucha presentation style of fast-paced and concise presentations, INC.spots allows artists to gain professional development in the area of presentation...

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Meet Co-op Student Parez Kadir

Hamilton Artists Inc. is pleased to welcome Parez Kadir, our winter co-op student from the Ontario College of Art and Design! Read on to learn more about Parez. Hey everyone! My name is Parez. I'm currently in my fourth year at OCAD University completing my BFA and doing my co-op placement here at Hamilton Artists Inc.. I'm a mixed media...

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